sâmbătă, 10 august 2013

Petrece mai mult timp cu copilul tau - avem portile deschise lunar!

 La Pufuletii Veseli avem lunar ziua portilor deschise, cand parintii pot petrece toata ziua cu copiii lor, participand la activitatile lor creative de zi cu zi, interactionand cu prietenii si colegii lor.

Cum alegi animalul potrivit pentru copilul tau

 Copilul tau isi doreste un animalut de casa?
Prezenta animalelor de casa are un efect pozitiv asupra copiilor, cu atat mai mult cu cat sunt alese in functie de temperamentul micutilor. Compatibilitatea se datoreaza mai ales unor caracteristici pe care copilul le aseamana si le compara cu cele umane, pe care si-ar dori sa le vada la parinti sau la adultii din jurul lui. Acest lucru a fost dovedit de Cercetatorii din domeniul antropologiei si al stiintelor comportamentale de la Universitatea din Edinburgh.

Exista cateva lucruri pe care le poti face pentru a elimina teama de microbi. In primul rand, aminteste-ti ca nu exista un mediu complet izolat. Un animal care sta in casa are mult mai putini microbi decat aduci tu de afara cand pleci undeva. Cel mai important este sa-l inveti pe copil cateva reguli simple de igiena. Spune-i sa nu lase niciodata animalul sa manance din farfuria sau din cana lui. Invata-l sa se spele pe maini dupa ce s-a jucat cu animalul si inainte de fiecare masa. De asemenea, nu uita ca animalul trebuie deparazitat si vaccinat.

Motive pentru care sa-i iei un animal copilului tau

Copiii care cresc in compania animalelor sunt mai sociabili, devin mai responsabili, mai intelegatori si iubitori cu cei din jur si pot face mult mai usor diferenta dintre bine si rau. De asemenea, interactiunea cu unul sau mai multe animale va influenta in mod pozitiv evolutia sa emotionala.

De exemplu, unui copil caruia ii este frica sa doarma singur din diferite motive, un animal ii va ajuta sa fie mai curajos si sa nu-i mai fie frica. Doar gandul ca nu este singur si ca se mai afla un suflet cu el in camera il va linisti.

Un copil cu probleme de comunicare din cauza timiditatii, isi poate invinge aceasta teama vorbind cu animalul lui. In special cand sunt mici, copiii vad in animale unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni si ii va povesti tot ce are pe suflet. Acest lucru il va face mai increzator in sine si treptat va fi mai comunicativ cu cei din jur.

Animalele le dau copiilor notiuni de viata inca de la cea mai frageda varsta. Ii invata ce inseamna bucuria, tristetea, frica, prietenia, loialitatea cel mai adesea prin simpla interactiune sau prin limbajul semnelor pe care adultii nu il mai stapanesc.

Alegerea animalului in functie de temperamentul copilului

1. Daca ai un copil cu un temperament calm, alege o pisic
Pisicile sunt placute instinctiv de copii si cel mai frecvent sunt compatibile cu firile flegmatice. Prezenta lor este asociata de copil, in mod inconstient, cu feminitatea, inteligenta, frumusetea, independenta, misterul si nesiguranta.
Aceste animale ofera copiilor un confort psihic aparte izvorat din firea lor stranie si in acelasi timp jucausa. Copiii mai lenesi, mai putin activi nu vad in pisica un partener de lenevire, asa cum multi ar crede. Ei isi vor dezvolta mai mult atentia, vigilenta si puterea de concentrare. Vor incepe sa se joace cu pisica, sa o smotoceasca, sa o caute prin casa si astfel isi vor dezvolta viteza de gandire, atentia si memoria vizuala. Cerecetarile au aratat ca simpla privire asupra pisicilor in timp ce se joaca poate creste semnificativ capacitatea de functionare a creierului.

2. Pentru un copil retras si izolat, alege un papagal sau un canar
Pasarile de colivie sunt compatibile cu copii mai putin sociabili si non-emotivi. S-a dovedit faptul ca unii copii flegmatici, dar si cei echilibrati emotional, pot visa mai mult in compania unor animale tinute la distanta si asta din cauza ca ei au nevoie in acelasi timp de o fiinta vie in preajma, dar si de intimitate.
Acesti copii au o tendinta nativa de izolare si se vor echilibra mai usor in compania unor animale sociale. Ei se vor simti mai in siguranta in compania unor fiinte care nu-i pun in pericol intimitate si nu cer ceva de la ei prin contact direct.
Incearca treptat sa-i aduci si un animale mai sociabil, care sa vrea sa intre in contat direct cu copilul tau, pentru a invata ca nu este bine sa traiasca la distanta de ceilalti.

3. Pentru cei emotivi, iepurasii sunt o alegere buna
Copiii care au nevoie permanenta de a oferi si a primi afectiune carora le este teama de singuratate sau care sunt nesiguri si neatenti, se vor simti foarte bine in compania unui iepuras. Chiar si la maturitate, iepurasul este perceput de majoritatea copiilor ca un pui de animal care are nevoie permanenta de atentie si protectie.
Acest lucru ii obliga pe copii sa-si descarce tensiunea psihica a nesigurantei si a temerilor prin dragostea de tip materna pe care o dobandesc pentru animal. Descarcarea acestei tensiuni psihice face ca sistemul sau sa se echilibreze. Ca urmare a acestei echilibrari, ii va creste si capacitatea de orientare a atentiei si confortul psihic, disparand totodata si cauzele unor temeri nefondate.

4. Daca ai un copil activ, dinamic, animalul potrivit este un catel
Alegerea unui catel este unul dintre cele mai grele alegeri din cauza multitudinii de rase existente.
Copiii cu un temperament sangvinic se vor simti mult mai bine in preajma unui catel dornic de o prietenie stransa, deoarece are nevoie de un contact social permanent. In acelasi timp, acesti copii sunt atrasi de jocurile active, compatibele perfect cu prezenta unui catel. Nevoia permanenta de a se afla in compania unui prieten este prezenta atat la om cat si la caine. Prin urmare, relatia dintre cei doi va fi una foarte stransa. In plus, pentru un copil cu temperament activ si comportament social dezvoltat, catelul poate suplini o prezenta umana diferita de cea a adultilor.

5. Pentru copiii foarte energici broscutele testoase sunt cele mai recomandate
Broscutele testoase sunt animale foarte linistite si sunt adorate de copii mici cu un temperament opus. Miscarile lente ale acestor animale au un efect linistitor asupra unui copil superactiv. Indiferent de cauza excesului de energie, urmarirea atenta a miscarilor testoaselor au un efect similar cu cel al administrarii unei injectii cu sedativ.
Cercetarile finalizate de austrieci in martie 2007 au aratat ca efectul aproape hipnotic al miscarilor reptilelor asupra copiilor poate reduce riscul aparitiei unor manifestari de tip epileptic. Specialistii austrieci in neurobiologie au demonstrat ca miscarile testoaselor terestre si ale unor aligatori pot reduce drastic conturarea aparitiei unei forme de epilepsie.

Stabileste un program zilnic de ingrijire al animalului de catre copil

Psihologii si pedagogii recomanda cresterea copiilor alaturi de animale deoarece acest lucru stimuleaza dezvoltarea armonioasa a lor si ii invata sa fie mai responsabili.

Invata-l pe copil regulile de baza ale ingrijirii animalului de companie ales. Arata-i cum sa se poarte cu el, cum sa-l mangaie, sa-l alinte si ce nu are voie sa-i faca.

Pentru inceput, stabileste o ora la care copilul sa hraneasca animalul. Cand se va obisnui cu aceasta responsabilitate si nu va trebui sa-i mai amintesti ca animalul este flamand, invata-l sa-i schimbe apa zilnic. Si astfel, incetul cu incetul, copilul va invata sa aiba singur grija de animal fara a fi nevoie sa-l ajuti.

Autor: Andreea Grecu

marți, 6 august 2013

Incurajeaza-l sa se exprime liber artistic

 La Pufuletii Veseli, incurajam exprimarea artistica libera. Va impartasesc un articol interesant.

Encouraging Self-Expression Through Art

Craft stores may be filled with coloring books, craft kits and precut models, but some of the best ways to foster creativity require only the simplest materials and few complicated directions. You can encourage your child’s self-expression through process-oriented art: simply put, art that is based on exploration and allows different outcomes, rather than emulating a preconceived finished product.
After all, the essence of art is expressing oneself. “When children are very young, they may start making marks on walls and other places parents don’t appreciate. Early art education helps them learn to make their mark on the world in ways that people will appreciate,” says Dr. Kerry Freedman, Head of Art and Design Education at Northern Illinois University. “They learn that they can actually have an impact on the world through the visual arts.”
The key to creativity is to find the kind of art education that will help foster young minds to think in innovative ways.
Do’s and Don’ts for Encouraging Your Child’s Creativity
Don’t Follow Directions. That’s right. While learning to follow directions can be an important skill for youngsters, too much direction can stunt the creative process.
“If they are only following what an adult has created and then [are] asked to copy the adult’s work, then they are learning to follow directions—a fine skill—but they are not growing creatively,” says MaryAnn Kohl, an arts educator and author based in Bellingham, Washington.
What young kids need in order to develop a sense of self-expression is the chance to make their own decisions in their artwork. “Children can come to rely on the feedback or approval of an adult,” explains Molly Campbell, Manager of the San Francisco Children’s Art Center. “Rather than trusting their own judgment or feeling safe enough to play around with different outcomes, they should take risks and make mistakes—all important aspects of creating knowledge and of the creative process.”
Do Choose Materials Carefully. Steer away from coloring books or kits that come with premade pieces or specific directions. The most basic supplies are often the best ones for encouraging creativity. A plain sketchbook, a variety of colored pencils, or an assortment of papers can lead to open-ended trial-and-error style exploration. “For all ages, crayons and plain blank paper are at the tip-top of any list of ‘must haves’ for creative or process art. Scissors and glue come next,” says Kohl.
Don’t Ask, “Is that a flower?” Adults often want to know what a child is drawing, but that’s not how young minds operate. “Try to avoid asking young children ‘what is it?’—as young children don’t always think of their artwork as representational,” says Campbell. “It’s better to describe what you see—what colors were used, how the lines go, or how filled up the page is, and invite the child to tell you about it in their own words.”
Do Take Risks. When a child is not given specific directions on what to make, she is freer to experiment with what she can imagine. “For example, a child might spend time cutting shapes out of paper, tape them together, and decide it looks like a dragon,” says Campbell, “She might then decide to color the dragon, or fold it up, or reconfigure it in some new way where it might become something completely different.”
Don’t Limit Art to Art Lessons. Show kids that appreciating and creating art can be part of daily experiences. Eileen Hopkins, a homeschooling mother of four from San Jose, California, encourages her kids to keep nature journals while hiking or walking around the neighborhood. “The inspiration they need to ‘make a project their own’ is the ability to tap into their own experiences, how they view their world,” says Hopkins.
Do Know the Difference Between “Arts” and “Crafts.” Although the two terms may be commonly used interchangeably to describe children’s activities, there are important differences. Crafts involve a youngster following directions to reproduce an adult’s idea and require no original thinking. Although arts and crafts should not be confused with each other, they each serve a purpose in education. “Crafts are meant to be useful or practical, or to reinforce a fact or learning theme,” says Kohl. “Value both arts and crafts experiences for exactly what they are, but be clear when doing activities with kids and use the words ‘crafts’ when they are following directions to copy an adult, and ‘art’ when they are experimenting with their own ideas and art materials with an unknown outcome.”

miercuri, 17 iulie 2013

Activitatea zilei la Scoala de Vara Pufuletii Veseli

Emotions final
We made these dolls as a way to extend our learning about emotions, and I underestimated how much the girls would love them! They look a bit complicated to make, but I assure you they were a piece of cake! My daughters are very interested in space and rain, so we made an astronaut, a wet weather character, and a little girl. You could make anything, though, even animals!


  • paper
  • paint (optional)
  • scissors
  • markers
  • pictures of your children's faces (optional)
  • strong craft glue
  • sheet of thick card (we used the side of a cardboard box)
  • two sizes of cardboard tube (we used toilet paper rolls and a wrapping-paper roll). If you can't find a smaller-size tube that fits inside your toilet rolls, you can just make some by rolling and taping thick flat card.
Scoala de Vara


  1. emotions 8With the larger-size rolls (the toilet paper rolls), make a few "dolls." First, cut a little window at about the height and size of your character's face.

  2. Then decorate however you like. We painted our rolls and then used markers to add the details after they were dry. You could use cut-out pictures from magazines or make clothes from fabric/felt—anything at all really! I gave the little wet weather character an umbrella for extra effect and play value.

  3. emotions 9Once your dolls are made, you can make the face inserts. Cut your smaller-size rolls to the same height as your toilet paper rolls.

  4. Then cut discs from your cardboard sheet, a little larger in circumference than the larger rolls, to act as bases for your dolls. Glue one end of each tube securely in the center of a disc. Scoala de Vara

  5. emotions 10Cut four or more small circles of paper and draw a simple face showing a different emotion on each one. I made happy, sad, surprised and angry faces on each of ours. Another idea would be to take photos of your child making faces and use those instead of drawing them.

  6. Glue the faces around the side of the inner tube, making sure they are at the same level as the face windows cut into the toilet emotions 11roll characters (a simple way to do this is to slip the toilet roll over the insert and use a pencil to trace the window straight onto the inner tube. You can then use this as a guide to glue the face on).

  7. Slide the toilet roll dolls over the top of the emotion inserts and you are ready to play! All your child has to do is spin the cardboard disc at the base to change the expression on the doll's face

emotions final 1Scoala de Vara

The Importance of Art in Child Development

The Importance of Art in Child Development

Toddler cutting paperIn recent years, school curricula in the United States have shifted heavily toward common core subjects of reading and math, but what about the arts? Although some may regard art education as a luxury, simple creative activities are some of the building blocks of child development. Learning to create and appreciate visual aesthetics may be more important than ever to the development of the next generation of children as they grow up.
Developmental Benefits of Art
Motor Skills: Many of the motions involved in making art, such as holding a paintbrush or scribbling with a crayon, are essential to the growth of fine motor skills in young children. According to the National Institutes of Health, developmental milestones around age three should include drawing a circle and beginning to use safety scissors. Around age four, children may be able to draw a square and begin cutting straight lines with scissors. Many preschool programs emphasize the use of scissors because it develops the dexterity children will need for writing.
 Doar 120 lei pe luna -  curs de arta pentru copii 2-10 ani
Language Development: For very young children, making art—or just talking about it—provides opportunities to learn words for colors, shapes and actions. When toddlers are as young as a year old, parents can do simple activities such as crumpling up paper and calling it a “ball.” By elementary school, students can use descriptive words to discuss their own creations or to talk about what feelings are elicited when they see different styles of artwork.
Decision Making: According to a report by Americans for the Arts, art education strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. The experience of making decisions and choices in the course of creating art carries over into other parts of life. “If they are exploring and thinking and experimenting and trying new ideas, then creativity has a chance to blossom,” says MaryAnn Kohl, an arts educator and author of numerous books about children’s art education.
 Doar 120 lei pe luna -  curs de arta pentru copii 2-10 ani. 
Visual Learning: Drawing, sculpting with clay and threading beads on a string all develop visual-spatial skills, which are more important than ever. Even toddlers know how to operate a smart phone or tablet, which means that even before they can read, kids are taking in visual information. This information consists of cues that we get from pictures or three-dimensional objects from digital media, books and television.
“Parents need to be aware that children learn a lot more from graphic sources now than in the past,” says Dr. Kerry Freedman, Head of Art and Design Education at Northern Illinois University. “Children need to know more about the world than just what they can learn through text and numbers. Art education teaches students how to interpret, criticize, and use visual information, and how to make choices based on it.” Knowledge about the visual arts, such as graphic symbolism, is especially important in helping kids become smart consumers and navigate a world filled with marketing logos.
Inventiveness: When kids are encouraged to express themselves and take risks in creating art, they develop a sense of innovation that will be important in their adult lives. “The kind of people society needs to make it move forward are thinking, inventive people who seek new ways and improvements, not people who can only follow directions,” says Kohl. “Art is a way to encourage the process and the experience of thinking and making things better!”
Cultural Awareness: As we live in an increasingly diverse society, the images of different groups in the media may also present mixed messages. “If a child is playing with a toy that suggests a racist or sexist meaning, part of that meaning develops because of the aesthetics of the toy—the color, shape, texture of the hair,” says Freedman. Teaching children to recognize the choices an artist or designer makes in portraying a subject helps kids understand the concept that what they see may be someone’s interpretation of reality.
Improved Academic Performance: Studies show that there is a correlation between art and other achievement. A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly in the arts (three hours a day on three days each week through one full year) are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, to participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate.
 Doar 120 lei pe luna -  curs de arta pentru copii 2-10 ani.

marți, 16 iulie 2013

Abonamente Miniclub Pufuletii Veseli pentru copii 3-10 ani program prelungit

Am conceput 3 programe flexibile, pentru copii cu varste intre 3-10 ani, plus optionale:


​Activitati Optionale
Marti si Joi de la 10:00 - 11:00 - 120 lei/luna 100 lei (pentru copiiiabonati lunar)
Luni si Miercuri de la 18:00 - 19:00 - 120 lei/luna ( 110 lei pentru copiii abonati lunar)
Arta, creatie si Origami
Miercuri de la 17.30-19.30 si Sambata de la 10:00-12:00 - 120 lei 8 sedinte pe luna sau 100 lei pentru copiii abonati lunar

Joi  10:00-11:00 cu plecare de la Pufuletii Veseli la 9.30 si intoarcere la 11:30 ; 190lei /luna- pentru a merge la inot ne trebuie o grupa constanta de 5 copii.

La atelierele si cursurile optionale din weekend, pot participa si fratii, prietenii copiilor abonati, achitand doar costul unei sedinte: 20 lei/arta; 30 lei/japoneza si origami. Aceste evenimente si ateliere de weekend se publica saptamanal pe pagina noastra de Facebook si pe site-urile de evenimente pentru copii Bucuresti.

Fratii au 10% reducere permanenta.
La plata a 6 luni in avans - reducere 10%
La plata a 12 luni in avans - o luna gratuit

Pretul include toate mesele, gustarile, apa, materialele
pentru activitatile creative zilnice din programa, materialele pentru igiena copiilor.  

In curand: supraveghere video cu acces parinti.

Program Scurt
(7:30- 12:30)
Program Mediu
(7:30- 17:00)
Program Lung
(7:30 – 20:00)
Primirea copiilor
Primirea copiilor
Primirea copiilor
Mic dejun
Mic dejun
Mic dejun
Activitatea creativa a zilei
Activitatea creativa a zilei
Activitatea creativa a zilei
Activitati de dezvoltare a perceptiei
Activitati de dezvoltare a perceptiei
Activitati de dezvoltare a perceptiei

Masa de pranz
Masa de pranz

Program de somn
Program de somn

Activitati de dezvoltare motrica si senzoriala


Activitati si jocuri liber alese
Tarif: 650 RON
Tarif: 850 RON
Tarif: 1000 RON 

Mancarea este asigurata prin serviciul catering, ambalaj individual, si este insotita de avize si declaratii de conformitate.

Clubul pentru copii Pufuletii Veseli www.pufuletiiveseli.ro

Bine ati venit la Clubul pentru copii Pufuletii Veseli!

Clubul Pufuletii Veseli este locul in care copiii cu varste intre 3 si 10 ani se joaca, invata, participa la ateliere si activitati educative, fiind supravegheati si ingrijiti de o echipa tanara si energica.

Programul clubului pentru copii este de luni pana vineri intre 07:30-20:00 si sambata intre 10:00-12:30.

Scopul Clubului pentru Copii Pufuletii Veseli: dezvoltarea personalitatii fiecarui copil, punand accentul pe stimularea creativitatii, a deprinderilor si abilitatilor de baza, pe dezvoltarea gandirii si atentiei, pe dezvoltarea vocabularului prin comunicare, intr-un cadru familial, in care copiii se simt ca acasa, intr-o familie iubitoare.

Avand in vedere amplasarea intr-o casa la curte, cu doar doua sali pentru activitati, curtea ingradita, zona de case, atentia si siguranta copiilor este sporita.

Suntem amplasati in apropierea Oraselului Copiilor, si a parcului Tineretului.
Se ajunge la noi cu metroul (statia Brancoveanu), apoi se merge pe jos pe str. Alunisului aproximativ 10 minute sau cu tramvaiul 7, pe Sos. Giurgiului, pana la Toporasi, apoi pe jos pe strada Alunisului aproximativ 5 minute, dau din Drumul Gazarului, si se intra pe str. Soimus.

Locatia este o casa la curte, activitatile avand loc in doua sali multifunctionale, fiind suficient loc pentru joaca, ateliere de creatie, masa si somn. Curtea foloseste ca loc de joaca, expozitii si jocuri, activitati in aer liber.

Cu o capacitate maxima de 8 copii, atentia acordata fiecarui copil este cu mult mai mare decat intr-un sistem traditional, iar copiii au o relatie stransa unul cu celalalt si cu profesorii si supraveghetorii lor, senzatia fiind de "o mare familie".

Vedeti Fotografii reale.
Abonamente lunare copii 2-10 ani
Program scurt, program mediu, program prelungit

Inot, Arta, Engleza, Sah

Baby Sitting
45lei/ zi


Pentru parinti:
• Program prelungit 07:30-20:00
• Deschis tot timpul anului (in afara sarbatorilor mari)
​• O locatie - mai multe destinatii (ingrijire, baby sitting, cursuri, ateliere, scoala de vara)
• Activitati de petrecere a timpului liber (inot, pictura) la cele mai bune preturi, cu transportul asigurat in cazul activitatilor din afara clubului (inot, drumetii)
• Consiliere psihologica - grup suport gratuit cu psihologul clubului
• Flexibilitate si adaptabilitatea programului
• Meniuri vegetariene la cerere
• Comunicare directa cu profesorii, supraveghetorii si conducerea clubului
• Reduceri 10% pentru frati sau recomandari
• Fara taxe suplimentare, fondul "clasei"
• Inscrieri tot anul

Pentru copii:
• O singura grupa de maxim 8 copii
• Activitati ca inotul, arta, pictura, origami, limbi straine, alaturi de colegii si prietenii de la club, cu transportul asigurat in cazul activitatilor din afara clubului
• Program cu educatie prin joc
• Atentie in functie de nevoile afective ale fiecaruia
​• Activitati intr-o casa, fara a avea senzatia de institutie
• Posibilitatea de a fi cu fratii mai mici si mai mari pe tot parcursul zilei
• Socializarea cu copii de varste diferite
• Multe activitati in acelasi loc
• Curte cu jucarii, spatiu pentru alergat, si joaca in voie

Pufuletii Veseli - Club pentru copii

Str. Soimus nr 75, sector 4, Bucuresti
Inscrieri si detalii la:
Telefon: 0720 206 336
Email: pufuletii.veseli@yahoo.com